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Cosmic Software Integrated Development Environment for S12X and XGATE

Cosmic's integrated development environment (IDEA) for S12X provides users an easy to learn graphical development environment for Freescale's HC12, HCS12 and S12X/XGATE microcontrollers. Designed specifically to assist engineers developing embedded applications with Cosmic compilers IDEA, gives designers the ease of use found in graphical development environments for high level languages along with the low level control essential for real-time applications. With Cosmic's commitment to providing its customers superior products and support designers can feel confident in completing their projects on time, under budget and with greater innovations. IDEA runs under Windows 2000 and XP and includes the following features:
Integrated Windows Editor
Windows 32 bit MS style editor with syntax highlights for both C and assembly source.Project Manager
Convenient Project window provides easy access to the most frequently used functions such as make, build, touch, mark, compile, link and debug. The project manager also supports Drag and Drop so you can select and drag files from a Windows Explorer to the project manager for easy setup.Supports all family members
IDEA for S12X fully supports for all members of the HC12, HCS12 and S12X families including integrated support for the S12X's powerful XGATE module. IDEA S12X allows you manage S12X and XGATE code and options settings together in one project providing one click smart builds.Program Analyzer
Intuitive Explorer style source file display - shows compiler options, include file dependencies, file build status, time and date of last edit, function prototypes, command line defines, global and static variables and documentation.Link File Generator
Flexible Link builder offers point and click configuration of memory map.Graphical Smart Build
Configure Compiler and Linker to build only files that need to be rebuilt and run various compiler or user defined utilities automatically. No need for makefile.Point and Click Options
IDEA provides an intuitive graphical setup for compiler and assembler options.Automatic Error Handling
When an error is found in a file just double click on the error and an editor window will open on that file, at the line with the error.Global and local options
IDEA allows to set compiler and assembler options both at project and file level.Multifile functions
Search in the project files or other group of files or directories.Documentation Manager
Attach any documents or notes to your project or to individual source files.